Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Making Korean Verbs Negative - Part 1 Summary



Making Negative Korean Verbs - Part1

This lesson is our first lesson on making verbs negative in Korean.

There are a couple ways to do it.

The first way is by adding “an” to the beginning of the verb. “an” is like the start of the word for “no” in Korean 아니요 (a-ni-yo).

So you take a verb like “to sleep” 자다 (ja-da). add (an) to make it “to not sleep” 안자다 (an-ja-da)

How can you say “I do not sleep”

Remember how to conjugate? 

나는 안자 na-neun an-ja

저는 안자요 jeo-neun an-ja-yo

저는 안잡니다 Jeo-neun an-jam-ni-da

You can conjugate these negative verbs into any tense you want.

You can do the same with adjectives, because in Korean adjectives are verbs For example “to be big” is 크다 (keu-da) We can add (an) to make it 안크다 (an-keu-da) “to be not big”.

It’s not big is

안커 (an-keo)

안커요 (an-keo-yo)

안큽니다 (an-keum-ni-da)

Another way to make verbs negative is to add (mot) in front of the verb. (mot) means “cannot”. For example we can add 못 (mot) in front of 자다 (ja-da) to make it into can’t sleep (mot ja-da). I can’t sleep:

나는 못 자 (na-neun mot ja)

저는 못 자요 (jeo-neun mot ja-yo)

저는 못 잡니다 (jeo-neun mot jam-ni-da)

Please recognize there is a difference between saying ‘I don’t sleep’ and “I can’t sleep” Make sure you are using the one that means what you want to say.

And also: You can’t use 못 (mot) with adjectives. It doesn’t make sense in Korean to say “it can’t be big” 못 커요 (mot keo-yo). Don’t use mot with adjectives.

Now when it comes to 하다 (ha-da) verbs there is another way we can use (an) and 못 (mot)

You know 하다 (ha-da) verbs. Ha-da means “to do” you can add it to the end of a word to make it a verb.

Like “to swim”

수영하다 (Su-yeong-ha-da)

수영 (Su-yeong) means “swim”

하다 (ha-da) means “to do”

So how do we say “to not swim” 

Well! Because it’s a ha-da verb we put (an) right here in the middle

수영 안 하다 (su-yeong-an-hada) and if we want to really be proper about it we add 을 or 를 (eul or reul) to the end of swim

수영을 안 하다 (suyeong-eul an ha-da)

Note that there are two spaces in this “word” for ”to not swim”.

“I don’t swim” polite form:  저는 수영을 안 해요 (jeo-neun su-yeong-eul an hae-yo.)

And we do the same thing with “can’t” (mot) when you have a 하다 (ha-da) verb

You put (mot) right on the middle

수영 하다 Suyeong mot-hada

And to be really proper add a 을 or 를 (eul or reul) 

수영을 하다

I can’t swim polite form 저는 수영을 못 해요 (jeo-neun su-yeong-eul mot-hae-yo) 

This means I can’t swim because I just don’t know how.

Now here’s the deal with the spaces

There is always a space between su-yeong-eul and mot

못 하다

If we have a space between mot and ha-da it means you can’t do it. You can’t do it at all, you just don’t know how.


If there is no space between mot and ha-da it means you can’t do it well. You can make an effort but it won’t be very good. su-yeong-eul mot hae-yo. I’m not gonna down but I’m not going to be able to show you a front stroke with anything resembling perfect technique. 

Now Ha-da adjectives are different. You do not put the (an) in the middle

You put it at the start, just like with the non ha-da adjectives.

For example 뚱뚱하다 to be fat to make it to be not fat you say 뚱뚱하다

Got it?

And we do not use the Korean word for “can’t”: (mot) with Korean adjectives. That’s not grammatically correct.

Now you know two ways to make negative sentences in Korean.

This is only part one of our lesson on making verbs negative in Korean. There are more than two ways to do it! We'll learn more in future lessons, but let’s summarize what we learned today.

To add not to a verb or adjective put 안 (an) in front of it unless it is a ha-da verb in which case put 안 (an) in the middle of it. Right before the ha-da. And add 을 or 를 (eul or reul) to the end of the word that comes before the 안 하다 (an-ha-da). Make sure to include a space.

This ha-da style of negation works with verbs only, not adjectives. With ha-da adjectives put the 안 (an) at the front of the word.

To add can’t to a verb put  (mot) in front of it and leave a space between (mot) and the verb. You cannot use (mot) with adjectives.

In the case of ha-da verbs put (mot) in the middle right before the ha-da and add 을 or 를 (eul or reul) to the end of the first part of the verb. If you want to say I can’t do it at all leave two spaces in your negative verb so that  (mot) stands alone. If you want to say I can’t do it well then eliminate the second space so that 하다 (mot-ha-da) is all one word.

Thanks for studying with me!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Transportation Chart 2


Korean Transportation Vocabulary PART2

Hello My fellow students this is Korean transportation vocabulary video part 2. In the first video we learned all the most common forms of transportation, now we will go for the slightly more uncommon ones. Let us begin.

We are going to use the same verbs as we did in the last transportation video

ta-da to ride and un-jeon-ha-da to drive

Our first mode of transportation is a truck 트럭

트럭 타다

트럭 운전하다

some of these are gonna be real easy. But some are not

Van. Van is 봉고차

봉고차 타다

봉고차 운전하다

봉고차 is van

Sport Utility Vehicle or SUV is 

스포츠 유틸리티 차량 or 스포츠 유틸리티 차 to be more modern or 에스유브이 to be most modern of all 

Notice how 스포츠 유틸리티 차 and 봉고차 both have 차 at the end.

스포츠 유틸리티 차 타다

스포츠 유틸리티 차 운전하다


Motorcycle. Here is another easy one 오토바이 or 모터사이클, but o-to-ba-i is more common in everyday conversation

Scooter 스쿠터 even more easy!

and another easy one Tractor 트랙터

Horse. Now things get interesting. Horse=mal. and you don't drive a horse. You ride it.

말 타다

Horse and Buggy/carriage 마차 the original 'cha'. 

마차를 타다.

마차를 운전하다

Now rollerskate, rollerblade and skateboard. They're all English loan words and they go with ta-da I ride the rolerskates I ride the rollerblades, I ride the skateboard

Roller skate 롤러 스케이트 타다

Rollerblade 롤러블레이드/ 인라인 스케이트 타다

Skateboard 스케이트보드 타다

and ski another one in the same vein  I ride the skis or cross country skiis

Ski 스키/ 크로스 컨트리 스키

Ski 스키/ 크로스 컨트리 스키 타다

Alright here's something with an engine: Helicopter 헬리콥터

Helicopter 헬리콥터 타다

Helicopter 헬리콥터  운전하다

Now pay attention because things are gonna get tricky Spaceship 우주선

to ride the spaceship 우주선 타다

to drive the spaceship 우주선 운전하다 you never know when you might do that

우주선 Spaceship 우주선 

Now Submarine 잠수함 잠수함 submarine

잠수함 타다 to ride the submarine

잠수함 운전하다 to drive the submarine

잠수함 submarine 잠수함 

Alright Hot Air balloon 열기구

열기구 타다 weeeee! 열기구

I don't think you drive a hot air balloon I think you pilot a hotair balloon do you remember the word for pilot? jo-jong-ha-da!

열기구 조종하다

And now some animals... that you can ride

Dog Sled 개 썰매 개is dog 썰매 is sled to ride a dog sled 개 썰매

Camel 낙타 to ride a camel 낙타 타다 camel 낙타 낙타 

Donkey 당나귀 to ride a donkey 당나귀 타다 donkey 당나귀 당나귀